Tuesday, December 1, 2009

ALAW Presents Conflict of Interest Ordinance to County Board

To: County Board Chair Kenneth Koehler, Honorable County Board Members:
From: Alliance for Land, Agriculture and Water (ALAW)
Re: Restoration of the Public Trust

“Transparency in Government” has become a heavily used phrase. It is popping up in the news media, better government groups and in conversations between county residents. Illinois has recently upgraded its Freedom of Information Act and Open Meetings Act. Declarations of openness and transparency are campaign issues for candidates for upcoming elections.

The perception that public officials commonly violate the public trust, by placing personal gain over their duty to their constituents, is insidious and has recently gained momentum here in McHenry County. This creates a climate of distrust, dissatisfaction and speculation that is harmful to all county residents and unfair to those public officials who are brought under suspicion simply by virtue of their office.

We think it is time to put a stop to this. ALAW attorneys researched and compiled pertinent ordinances from other governmental entities in the state and nationwide, and used them as a basis for this proposed McHenry County Economic Interests and Conflicts of Interest Disclosure Ordinance that we present to you today on behalf of your constituents.

Its purpose is to restore the confidence of McHenry County residents in their elected and appointed officials, by clarifying their responsibility of fair and transparent representation in the best interest of their constituents, and by requiring up-front disclosure of economic interests that could result in a conflict.

This ordinance is not intended to replace the current filing requirements under state law
(5 ILCS 4/A), but to enact financial disclosure requirements that require more information than currently required, as permitted by state law (5 ILCS 4/A-101). Nor is this ordinance intended to replace the provisions of McHenry County Board Rules Section 5, Ethics and Conduct, but to enhance and complement that section.

We urge you to consider this ordinance as a preemptive strike against accusations of self-dealing, to view this as an opportunity for McHenry County to lead by example, and to send this ordinance through the proper procedures to expedite its adoption before the February 2nd 2010 primaries.

We understand from talking to a few of you that the proper committee for this ordinance is Management Services. We therefore respectfully request that Management Services place this ordinance on their next agenda.

Thank you for your consideration,
Respectfully submitted,
Emily Berendt,
Alliance for Land Agriculture and Water (ALAW)
PO Box 1021, Woodstock. IL